
Beach Home

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In the Wifely Steps home, the bedroom sheets are slightly ruffled but always warm and cozy.

Wooden floors beckon flip-flopped feet. Kitchen tables beckon hearty conversations. Toy chests beckon childlike wonder.

Our home’s perfume is a mix of Old Spice, olive oil, vanilla, lavender, with notes of baby powder and Playdoh.

A bowl of steaming hot pasta dripping in olive oil, lemon, capers and mushrooms could grace dinner one day. On other days, we have cereal and milk or French toast with bacon as there’s comfort in having breakfast for dinner.

My husband and I don’t always fall asleep side by side, but during the night, our fingers find their way into each other’s, and we wake up starting the day hand in hand.

34 Comments on Manifesto

  1. Camille
    March 9, 2015 at 10:18 am (9 years ago)

    I love your blog redesign. I love Rhiza too…she perfectly captured your manifesto. Already I feel like I can stay all day in this online abode, prop my feet up and dine with you.
    Camille´s last blog post ..6, 7, 8/52: Catching my breath

    • Toni
      March 9, 2015 at 12:18 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you, Camille! Riz did a spectacular job. :) Yes, feel free to stay all day. If this were real, we’d be dining on freshly steamed seafood, drinking white wine and chatting up a storm (and sometimes letting the quiet take over) through the day.

      • Denise
        May 30, 2015 at 2:31 am (9 years ago)

        This relaxed me in ways I can’t even described. Your blog smells like the ocean, Toni! Seriously. I was reading the manifesto and I felt the salty wind on my face. The vibe you were aiming for can be virtually felt here… because your words and Riz’s work are equally perfect. #fanmode
        Denise´s last blog post ..Selective Sharenting, Please

        • Toni
          June 1, 2015 at 11:01 am (9 years ago)

          Thank you, Denise, for that heartwarming feedback. <3 <3


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