Last night’s Mini-EB


Busog sa Pata Tim

I finally met some of my blogmates last nite. I wanted to meet the sexiest blogger unfortunately he couldn’t make it. Last night was filled with laughter, chikahan, loads of pata tim (the best I’ve ever tasted) and even more laughter. The best part of the evening was the new friends I made. I’m looking forward to the next one. Enjoy the pics below! Just click on them to enlarge.

Everyone at Dinner

Girls on One Side
The Other Side of the TableAll Smiles!Din and her Fantastic CameraAng sarap magpa-picture!SoulmatesThe 2 Js

Jet and DinSoulmates Again

More smilesTanya my sis from a past life, Jet, Me, Mari

More pics with your fantastic cam, Din!Are you taking pics of the shrimp, Tanya Loca?

Pagkatapos nito, passport pic naman.

2 Comments on Last night’s Mini-EB

  1. rolly
    January 4, 2005 at 12:50 pm (20 years ago)

    Hi Toni,

    Sayang you guys couldn’t stay longer with us. We finished at 1 na. Parang mga cinderella yata mga bloggers na kilala ko. Pag pitada ng ala una, kailangan ng umuwi.

    Anyway, it was nice knowing you and having the pleasure of having dinner with you guys. Thanks nga pala sa gift. Nakakahiya. Wala akong naibalot para sa inyo. Di bale, babawi na lang ako next time.

  2. Toni
    January 4, 2005 at 1:44 pm (20 years ago)

    Hi Tito Rolly! Hayaan ninyo, sa next EB, hanggang sa pagkape kasama na kami. No worries about the gift. Enjoy it! Happy New Year!


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