Comfort Coves


The Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Located at the Equitable PCI Bank Tower along Makati Ave.

I’ve heard of this chapel but didn’t get to visit it till yesterday. It’s pleasantly surprising that even if the chapel’s right smack in the middle of the busy city, the chapel is peaceful and intimate. I like it here. There are several prayer areas, the space is well-managed (small but spacious), it’s air-conditioned and well-lit. I think that this will be one of my comfort coves from now on.

I’ve been reading a lot about Lenten Season sacrifices and boy, I was a bit troubled that I couldn’t think of a sacrifice I could do wholeheartedly. I can opt to cut rice out of my diet, but I would be doing that more out of vanity than real sacrifice. After much reflecting, I decided to go with these two things: Be more patient and say “yes” more.

On patience. My temper has been on the short end recently. I’ve been prone to rolling eyes and counting 1 to 10 a lot. Such a shame to admit, but hey it’s the truth. I got irritated at the slightest change in plans, the smallest plastic bag left on the floor. The short temper was largely caused by PMS, but I don’t want the same thing to happen next cycle. I don’t want to use PMS as an excuse! I will try my best to keep my hormones under control. Good luck to me!

On saying “yes” more. I’ve become too much a creature of habit lately and it’s getting frustrating. I’ll try to open my mind more and explore, explore, explore. I’ve tried it with something simple like accompanying H to Greenhills one time. The maze of stalls never fails to make me dizzy and I get annoyed by the crowd. I let go of my reservations and just went with the flow. I discovered some shops that offered a really nice set of placemats and coasters that were perfect for our dining table. I think I’ll go back there again.

I’ve reflected on other sacrifices like not giving in to impulse buys like this morning’s supposed Green Tea Frappucino on my way to work. Giving up those things is a much easier sacrifice. Okay, maybe not easier but less difficult. I’ll still try to avoid impulsive indulgences.

Back to the chapel, I like how close it is to where I work. I like how the proximity constantly reminds me of the two things I have set on myself. I like that I can just sit there, close my eyes and rest — physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. It’s absolution at its most comforting.

0 comment on Comfort Coves

  1. mare
    March 8, 2006 at 10:53 am (18 years ago)

    Toni, what a great entry. We tend to follow ritual and tradition without giving it much thought, it’s not as simple anymore right? This season, I am also working on my patience (as I should the entire year) and also DO rather than TALK. We can all walk the line of being a good Catholic, even a good person but if our actions do not reflect all those words are worthless.

  2. sha
    March 8, 2006 at 7:58 pm (18 years ago)

    I gave up on religion long time ago but I still find going inside a church comforting

  3. dexie
    March 8, 2006 at 9:27 pm (18 years ago)

    that looks very interesting. very serene actually.

  4. ela
    March 9, 2006 at 12:07 am (18 years ago)

    luvd this entry toni. me naman, cutting on extra expenses din, and we have this garapon from chucrch which we could fill in with our little sacrifices. so instead of buying extra or not necessary, we just put the money there in that jar (parang pondong pinoy), then on easter, we’ll give that back to the church.
    your sample sacrifices are really good. coz they don’t have to kill you anyway. little things but done extraordinarily well mean a lot if offered as a simple sacrifice for a cause.
    anyway, to add you may also would like to attend recollections monthly. if you’re near bank of commerce or PCI there are recollections being held there once a month. just email me or leave a message on my tagboard, if you’re interested, and i’ll send the schedule to you.
    have a great and meaningful lenten season. God bless!

  5. Cat
    March 9, 2006 at 1:23 am (18 years ago)

    Hey Toni! It’s been awhile since I left a comment here.

    My lenten sacrifice is to TRY not to fight with A and that means being more patient with him. Several times I’ve caught myself from getting annoyed and reminded myself to be calm and be patient. I admit, it has helped strengthen our relationship.

    I also admit that my impatience has something to do with PMSing. I did some online research and found out that salty food, like junkfood, causes these mood swings. So before my scheduled crimson wave, I avoided junkfood and well, whatd’yaknow?! I never got annoyed at A or anyone for that matter!!!

    Anyway, going back to the lenten sacrifice. A lot of people sacrifice something they really love or can’t live without but the lenten season isn’t just about sacrifice. Some people do good works or acts of mercy instead of sacrificing something. =)

  6. Cat
    March 9, 2006 at 1:27 am (18 years ago)

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that I recently discovered a comfort cove too. A church was recently built in my community and the Adoration Chapel always calms me. It’s airconditioned also and quiet and well, it looks like a zen garden! I’m not kidding! It has running water, black stones, orchids. If it wasn’t a prayer room, it would have been perfect for a spa! Kulang na lang massage table!

  7. Sidney
    March 9, 2006 at 12:46 pm (18 years ago)

    Try meditation ! It can change your life!

  8. techguy
    March 11, 2006 at 7:56 am (18 years ago)

    hi Toni

    i remember this chapel this is beside pacific star blg, i remember when my unit in PLDT was still renting in 21st flr of pacific star, is this bldg the same PCI bank tower today ? this was in the basement of pci bank tower infront of DPB
    thank you for posting, bring back my memories in 1988 to 1192..


    kuya joey

  9. kiwipinay
    March 19, 2006 at 11:19 am (18 years ago)

    hi toni… yes, that chapel is just the right place for someone who wants to have some peaceful time with himself and the Lord…. right at the heart of the city. i worked with pci before that’s why im familiar with the place.

    just bloghopping… my main site is nowhere to be found but i have an alternate blog in blogspot. 😀


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