My 7-month-old baby belly


7 months

Is there a big baby in there?

This is my belly at 7 months. It’s enormous. I look like I’m due any minute, when in fact I have at least ten weeks to go! Is there a big baby in there? Knock, knock Timmy!

My skin is fair, so my linea negra is quite prominent. It’s the dark line that appears on the abdomen during pregnancy, caused by increased estrogen levels. It’s nothing to be alarmed about. It’ll fade after birth.

And those are stretch marks you see below the belly button. I was concerned at first, but it was mostly vanity-driven. Now I’m learning how to embrace them, considering them one of the first marks of my being a Mommy. Timmy’s growth causes my tummy to expand, my skin to stretch, and those lines to appear. For as long as I know my Timmy’s growing healthily, I don’t mind those marks. Anything for my little boy.

That’s my growing baby boy. He continues to move around a lot, especially when he hears a lot of voices. My sister P finally felt him move and said it felt like “an alien!!!” It does feel unusual, and I wish I could remember the feeling of Timmy’s rolling and squirming in my tummy forever. Next month, he’ll be too big to float around and do somersaults. I’ll feel his sharp jabs and pokes instead. I welcome it. Can’t wait for month eight! And gosh, who knows how huge my baby belly will be then!

24 Comments on My 7-month-old baby belly

  1. Nyree
    June 8, 2009 at 9:53 am (15 years ago)

    Has it been 7 months Tin? How time flies! Parang kelan lang I was reading your post about being pregnant! :) I’m happy you and Timmy are thriving well! I am excited for you and your family too! Keep on posting your pregnancy journey! I love reading about them :)

    Nyrees last blog post..Hot! Hot! Hot!

    Thank you for the encouragement Nyree! :)

  2. noemi
    June 8, 2009 at 9:55 am (15 years ago)

    What a lovely photo. Yes your belly is quite huge for 7 months and a first time mom? You sure it’s not twins?

    Haha, I’m sure it’s not twins 😉

  3. haze
    June 8, 2009 at 10:15 am (15 years ago)

    you’re much bigger than i am. or i got used to being preggy haha!

    at first i panicked at having stretch marks, but now, it makes me more proud in being a mom. and i am not ashamed to wear a 2 piece bikini with my stretchmarks. a mom of three, and still working a 2 piece bikini? cool right? :)

    i’m so looking forward to seeing timmy! enjoy your pregnancy! =) and hopefully i get to meet you soon!

    take care!


    hazes last blog post..the name game

    Woohoo sexy Momma!

    And I’m looking forward to our gimmick of SUSHIFYING!!!

  4. Glenda
    June 8, 2009 at 10:45 am (15 years ago)

    hey toni! it’s been 7 months already! how fast time flies ano? parang kelan lang when you started announcing you were expecting. anyway, can’t wait to hear stories of your little timmy soon! :-)

    Glendas last blog post..Birthday Giveaway!

    Lapit na!! :)

  5. kreez
    June 8, 2009 at 3:07 pm (15 years ago)

    Wow! laki na ng belly bump, but it’s adorable anyway. Super bilis seven months na and on your final leg. At 4 months parang hindi pa masyadong evident ang tummy ko but i’m also preparing to have stretch marks hehe, oh well anything for the little one right. So excited to see little Timmy come out.

    kreezs last blog post..The Spoiled Preggy Lady

    I began showing at about 5 months na yata eh! :)

  6. gene
    June 8, 2009 at 3:21 pm (15 years ago)

    That looks really big. My belly button started to pop on my last month. I miss my baby bump but with my little girl growing up so fast, I have my hands full and no room for myself.

    genes last blog post..Crafts in Music Videos

    For as long as the baby’s growing well, I’m happy with the big bump! 😀

  7. Anne
    June 8, 2009 at 4:19 pm (15 years ago)

    O wow! Your belly is getting big and I am still in awe on how baby fits in our body. What a miracle huh?!?
    BTW, I just want to give a heads up that I started the interactive game in my blog inspired by your weekend soiree. I had so much fun playing it here in your blog that I decided to borrow the idea, I hope its okay. I am thinking to do it every Monday tho as that when my week really starts to be dragging.
    Thanks for inspiring me!!!

    I hope you and lil Timmy is being healthy, you guys are in my prayers.

    Thanks again!

    Annes last blog post..Wisdom

    It is amazing indeed. I can’t believe there’s this little one growing inside me. And now I’m wondering how he’s gonna get out. LOL. Oh the excitement!

  8. Junnie
    June 8, 2009 at 11:52 pm (15 years ago)

    magkasing laki tayo ng tiyan Tons. here’s to a safe delivery…

    Haha! Thanks Junnie!

  9. Rico
    June 9, 2009 at 12:08 pm (15 years ago)

    Hey Toni! Look how you’ve grown! I’m sure Little Timmy’s very comfortable there.
    Just treat those stretch marks as henna tattoos (as they will fade) that signify your womanhood (or is it motherhood?). I’m sure H doesn’t mind. In fact, I’m willing to bet he loves you more for it. After all, Little Timmy’s you and him rolled into one amazing blessing.

    Ricos last blog post..threadless tees

    That’s so beautiful Rico! :) Thank you!

  10. Abby
    June 10, 2009 at 3:16 pm (15 years ago)

    Hi! I’m reading your blog for quite sometime. Your tummy is really big huh….is it twins? Anyway, i have twin girls and they are so adorable. I hope you have a safe delivery. Take Care!

    Abbys last blog post..Lessons from a Filipino Woman Entrepreneur

    Nah, not twins, it’s just a big tummy. :) Thanks!

  11. Candice
    June 10, 2009 at 9:25 pm (15 years ago)

    I remember having such a big tummy too! It’s so exciting, being pregnant. And those stretchmarks, they’re like badges of honor. :)

    Candices last blog post..Work-at-home duo

    Mommy badges of honor :)

  12. Kay
    June 11, 2009 at 6:00 am (15 years ago)

    Ang laki nga! I thought you were due! Wow! I hope you will have a safe delivery.

    Kays last blog facebook addiciton

    Haha, yeah it’s so big nga kasi! Thanks Kay.

  13. Justice
    June 11, 2009 at 3:13 pm (15 years ago)

    Ang laki nga ng baby mo. What was the latest weight measurement?

    Ingat lagi.

    Justices last blog post..Remi-missing

    Nger, I don’t know. Tagal na akong di nagpa-ultrasound. Dapat around 3 lbs. for now. Still, it’s huge. Haha!

  14. odette
    June 11, 2009 at 4:48 pm (15 years ago)

    oh, gotta love that baby bump!
    it’s amazing to realize that there’s a tiny human being called baby timmy inside. ^-^
    sending lotsa love your way! ♥♥♥

    odettes last blog post..quote

    It’s incredible, yes. And when I feel him moving, oh man, I just feel the LOVE. :)

  15. Leah
    June 12, 2009 at 10:37 am (15 years ago)

    Wow, its really pointy. Baby boy nga. I remember mine (from 8 years back) as being so rounded.

    Time flies. I bet you will carry lower in the next weeks to come. Good luck and keep safe and happy!

    Leahs last blog post..Sharon Mega Thirty concert in Toronto

    Thank you Leah!

  16. ladycess
    June 15, 2009 at 6:21 pm (15 years ago)

    wow! beautiful! the stretch marks – they’re badges of motherhood! 😀 i agree, go bare them with pride!
    love this post! ako rin ha, will post my tummy pic soon! 😀

    Go go go post! Bago manganak! 😀

  17. Rachel
    June 17, 2009 at 8:58 am (15 years ago)

    Wow ang laki na ng tiyan mo Ate Toni =D mukhang malusog si baby Timmy. Konting panahon na lang makikita na natin siya. Godbless always!

    Gusto ko na rin siya makita. Malapit na! :)

  18. chinita_jill
    June 17, 2009 at 9:28 pm (15 years ago)

    oh, how beautiful! there’s really something about a pregnant belly that makes me all tender and mushy. take good care of yourself. good luck with the remaining weeks of the pregnancy!

    chinita_jills last blog post..where has my milk tooth gone?

    Thanks J!

  19. bem
    June 19, 2009 at 8:57 am (15 years ago)

    mukhang timmy is big ah. nung last pregnancy ko akala ko yun ang pinakamalaking baby ko kasi ang laki ng tummy ko. turned out siya ang pinakamaliit at ako pala ang lumaki! keep safe toni!

    bems last blog post..toadstool and more

    Naku, what if this belly is all me? Eek. I’ll have such a hard time losing the weight. Oh well, if it provides an additional cushion for Timmy, I don’t mind 😀

  20. Ashley
    July 12, 2009 at 4:43 pm (15 years ago)

    Ok I’m 7 months, worrying my belly is too big also. Im like the same size as you. Everyone tells me since Im so big she’ll probably come out early. Just wondering if you’ve givin birth early? You are over 8 months now? Are you thinking you’ll go anytime soon. Im hoping I give birth early, my stomach is huge! & What does your doc tell you? Thanks.

    Hi Ashley! I sent you an email :)


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