May 2015 archive

2015 FLEX, ALC, LEAP Schedules

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My LEAP Batch: LEAP 61 Wholehearted

Ready to embrace your greatness this 2015? Here is the calendar for a series of workshops I took part of last year that have made a significant impact on my life. You can take the journey a workshop at a time. I highly encourage you to take all three workshops — it’s an amazing experience that will make you feel more empowered, inspired, overall — a greater you. Read more…

Lessons from our First Home

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Not the stairs!

The first time I saw the apartment that was about to be our first home, I remember feeling tentative. My husband and I were about to get married, and we were looking for places we could settle into after the wedding. I recall looking through a variety of homes — townhomes, apartments, condos, and nothing seemed quite right. Read more…

Christmas for One (A Short Story)

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Christmas for One

The snow is falling quietly outside. I gaze out the frosted window and see nothing but white and the deep blue evening. (It is Christmas eve.)

A small fire lights my cottage, my only source of warmth as well. This winter is cold, too cold. A shiver passes through me as I take a seat by the fire. (No memories keep me warm.) Read more…

Lessons from Mom That I Have Kept to Heart

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This captures my Mama perfectly.

We all have Mommy-isms. Sometimes we don’t understand why she even tells us these things until much later in life when we go “Oh so that’s what she meant.”

“Your talent is God’s gift! [If you don’t use it] it’s like being given a treasure and you’re just burying it!” I was in 6th grade when I passed a test for acceleration (skipping a grade), but had second thoughts of going to highschool a year early. Why? My friends were going to be left behind! I told my Mom I didn’t want to skip a grade because I’d miss my friends and she got really mad, of course. Understandable. I’m really happy I did get to highschool early. I don’t even know where those 6th grade friends are now. I cherish this Mama-ism as it keeps me from bottling up my ideas and has taught me to share them. Read more…

Begin Again: Thoughts on the Movie

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One my favorite movies this year.

Begin Again is a musical comedy-drama starring Keira Knightley and Mark Ruffalo. Keira Knightley plays a singer-songwriter who is discovered by a down and out record label executive (Mark Ruffalo). They collaborate to produce an album in an unconventional yet authentic way. Here’s why I loved the film! Read more…

Crayons melted over candles (A Short Story)

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Crayons melted over candles. Blue drops on white paper, marbled with yellows and greens. He spins the paper around while she drizzles the melted colors. Their teacher gives them gold stars and makes them an example of good teamwork. The boys tease him, the girls giggle, the two feel embarrassed and decide to hate each other. Cooties are contagious after all.

She had chased the ball too much and there she sits at the clinic with a badly scraped knee and bruised ego. She really thought she’d save the game. He comes in with a wave and hands her a Hello Kitty band-aid because regular beige ones plain suck. She walks around later that day feeling more healed than when her Mom kissed her boo-boos.

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