Thanks and see you… later :)

by | Posted in Beyond, Thoughts | 29 Comments

  This is a thank you note for all those who’ve been subscribing to this blog, those who’ve grown with this blog, those who continue to land on this blog via Google (who knew my recipe for Bagiuo Petchay with Squid Balls would be a top post?), those who continue to ask me about it. […] Read more…

Still here

by | Posted in Blog Inspiration | 35 Comments
Busy quiet time

Just a post to say that I’m still here. When there’s a long pause in blogging, it’s usually because of a blogging burnout or having no time to blog. It’s been a combination of both for me. It’s a good thing, really, but I do miss writing for the love of it.  Read more…

Alone Time Finally

by | Posted in Motherhood | 25 Comments
alone time

That’s just part of what being a Mom is like, right? Juggling everything, dropping a few balls but realizing it’s okay, you can pick them up anyway and start juggling again. Then you get into the groove of it until finally you’re dancing to the rhythm of busy-ness and before you know it, you’ve decluttered the play area, fed your husband and son dinner, sang a lullaby to your son till he drifted off to dreamland AND got a long shower somewhere in there, which makes you feel a little more human but very much a winner. Oh yeah. I love days like this. Read more…

January Stories

by | Posted in Thoughts | 34 Comments

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. It’s mostly been because I’ve been incredibly busy at work, and partly because I ran out of blogging steam for a little while. I’ve got a whole bunch of topics I want to blog about (with these topics written down in my planner, believe me), but right now, I just want to write about random stuff about my January. Maybe somewhere in my stories you’ll find a nugget or two that connects with you. If there is one, let me know what it is! Read more…

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