Right-Sized Living


“…it’s not even always about living small, rather about living “right-sized.””
~Sarah Susanka interview, via Frugal for Life

Such a fresh perspective to not spending more than what you earn, to enjoying the fruits of your labors without sacrificing too much.

Sometimes I’m guilty of scrimping too much. I scrimp too much to the point that I feel bad about what I earn, bad about how I budget, bad about the way I spend. The truth is, I have a pretty good budget plan. It’s just that I get too hard on myself and end up getting the cheapest buys, getting plans that use the least amount of money possible.

Cheaper isn’t necessarily better though.

Image from www.scx.hu
The Right-Sized Home

There was a time when I wanted to move to a smaller apartment, so we could save on rent money. A smaller apartment would mean less space, lower ceilings but lower cash outlay every month. The savings would look so good on our budget plan. But how about the claustrophobia? How about my tall husband? How about the space we need to breathe?

We lived in a tiny apartment years ago. The rent was good, but the apartment was really cramped. Fine, we got to save a bit but there just wasn’t enough space to move around. A little jump forward and I’d slam myself against furniture or step on H’s foot. We also both fell sick because of the lack in space — air needs to do some dancing too. We needed more breathing room. It happens.

So we moved out and found a much better place. One with extra rooms for our hobbies and collections, more space to dance around in and ceilings high enough for H not to bump his head against when he jumps the highest he can. We’ve been loving living in this place. The rent is more expensive, yes, but the perks we pay for are so much worth it. We can breathe, dance, do a cartwheel or two. It’s not too big nor too tiny. It’s just right.

Someday we’ll move out of this place, someday we will need more rooms. We will plan for that. So far, this is just the right size for us. We’re living just right.

Image from www.scx.hu
Dreaming Big, Living Right-Sized

Even if we’re living Goldilocks style, we continue to dream big! We may live in a rented apartment today, and this may be the arrangement that is right for us at this stage of our life, but we dream of having our own place. I want to have a garden where I can meditate in the early morning. He dreams of having a room to house his toy collection. I dream of a huge kitchen, far from the good-for-one kitchen I am using now. He dreams of having a kick-ass media center. I dream of having a library, so my books don’t have to be cluttered all over the apartment. He dreams of having a nice veranda where we can have breakfast.

They are all possible, and we’re working towards fulfilling those dreams. If we had them right now, perhaps we would be paying off so many debts. It’s not right for us yet. It is right for us in our lifetime, and we know we will get there.

What Sarah Susanska said isn’t just limited to literally how one resides. It can be applied to one’s choice of products, from shampoo to noodles. It can be applied to one’s indulgences, from toys to bags. You don’t have to scrimp. You don’t have to be too thrifty. You just have to choose which ones are just right for you. Think twice about the cheapest things you get. Work harder for the ones that may be out of reach now; you will get them soon. They may not be right for you just yet. But they will be.

Living small isn’t bad, but living right-sized is so much better.

0 comment on Right-Sized Living

  1. rach
    July 5, 2007 at 8:52 am (17 years ago)

    I also long for extra and bigger rooms. A library sounds like a great idea and something I would like too. We have a small entertainment room but I imagine my husband would want a bigger one, soundproof and all. With all the toys my son is accumulating, it would be nice to have a room designated as his playroom alone. We still have space for expansion but we need to save up first. Perhaps, in the near future we can have those extra rooms.

  2. Cookie
    July 5, 2007 at 10:08 am (17 years ago)

    Funny, but with me naman it was the opposite. Having grown up in a huge house, I cajoled my husband into investing in a smaller house when we were planning for our dream house. Our house is like half the size of the house I used to live in and I am perfectly happy with it. There is just enough space to move and it has that nice cozy ambience that makes for good “staying-at-home” vibe. I would settle for a bigger garden but I am happy with what we have. Sometimes, bigger is not really better. Think of how much “kalat” you can create with a big house. Yayks!!

  3. annastasa
    July 5, 2007 at 12:44 pm (17 years ago)

    We built a small house on a considerably huge lot. There’s more than enough room for when our family and our needs and our budget get bigger but for now, the small house is okay. . .

  4. Linnor
    July 5, 2007 at 3:21 pm (17 years ago)

    We’re in that stage pa rin sis of living right-sized*. I hope we get to enjoy a much bigger space soon enough before our sons get to college. 😀

    *right-sized and yet i still pay an arm and a leg in amortization… huhuhu…

  5. ckayen
    July 5, 2007 at 3:55 pm (17 years ago)

    I am renting a small apartment and it feels good because the rent is not too much ( I am a slave for money-saving stuffs) right now to prove to my husband that he need not go abroad to work that is why it never occurred to me to move out soon but I have dreams too- reading through your post made me realize that I should wait- and enjoy while waiting- — I will soon have my dream house built in Bohol where I plan to settle in a huge garden and spend my life teaching kids. haaay..talap mangarap!

  6. Junnie
    July 6, 2007 at 2:40 am (17 years ago)

    right size doesnt mean downsizing. Life is meant to be enjoyed. If you think you’re following your heart in the pursuit of an endeavor or an activity, then GO FOR IT. Material things come in go, spend all efforts and finances to what your heart desires – love, family, hobbies, travel, live life!

  7. Monina
    July 6, 2007 at 3:41 am (17 years ago)

    We’re also in the process of purchasing a house. Having endured a long distance relationship for many years, it doesn’t matter much to me where we live. Basta magkasama kami, happy na!:)

  8. Emer
    July 6, 2007 at 12:32 pm (17 years ago)

    great advice, toni!

    who would need a mansion with more than eighty rooms when you can’t possibly inhabit each of them? not too big, not too small. pero mahirap hanapin yan. D and you are lucky to find one such place!

  9. Lissa
    July 7, 2007 at 5:48 am (17 years ago)

    I like this entry Toni. You know it’s funny, there are days when I think our place is “just right” but there are also days when I think it’s too small. I think for now though it’ll suffice. After all there’s only two of us here, (soon 3) but it’s still just right for us. I just keep thinking that if I get a house that’s too big, I’d have to think about cleaning all the rooms plus stocking them with furniture and other abubot.

  10. Joanne
    July 8, 2007 at 12:03 pm (17 years ago)

    This is such a good read. My husband and I were just discussing of renting an apartment and building more on our savings so we can afford the home we want to build. You are right, we should be really aware of what we are buying if we can afford it or not. At present, I’m working on financial freedom since we just got married last May. I want a new slate so we can dream big and live just right for now.

    I love your blog. I’m learning a lot from here.

  11. Lisa
    July 9, 2007 at 7:36 pm (17 years ago)

    I love this post, Toni. We’re renters too. Buying a house now is way, way too big a commitment for us right now, not just financially but emotionally. While we know we’re spending the rest of our lives with each other, settling down in one specific place for the rest of our lives is another thing entirely. It’s… unsettling. Hehe. Here’s to right-sized, and right now. :)

  12. fionixe
    July 12, 2007 at 12:30 am (17 years ago)

    this post made me feel.. well, not alone. hehe. ^_^ i am thrifty too..


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