On vitamins and makeovers


No need for that spoonful of sugar

I make sure H and I take our vitamins faithfully. Here’s a list of what we’ve been putting into our systems every night:

Ascorbic Acid

Ferrous Sulfate


Vitamin E

Fish Oil

Folic Acid (for me)

Am I missing out on anything? Or is this too much? I wonder. I wonder. *slaps her forehead* I forgot to buy Calcium tablets.

Wishing they could do MY home

Finally saw Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on ETC! last night. I’ve fallen in love with the show. I wish the Fab Five were my friends. I wish they could help fix up our home and my wardrobe. Heehee.

Loving the new look!

It’s so pleasing to the eye and makes blogging more enjoyable. Uh-oh… does this mean I’ll be updating every hour? Haha. Loving this new Blogger! Good job, Team Blogger!

2 Comments on On vitamins and makeovers

  1. John Gatesby
    September 6, 2022 at 9:07 pm (2 years ago)

    You are doing very well by ensuring that your family stays equipped with all the necessary vitamins, that will help enhance their immunity and keep them healthier. So good job! Also ensure that you use fresh and local ingredients for your food.

  2. Connie @ Naturesblendshop
    February 27, 2024 at 2:16 pm (5 months ago)

    I’ve been using Rune Organics’ vitamins and minerals for a while now, and I love the results. My energy levels have skyrocketed.


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