Letter to my 17-year-old self


I know time travel isn’t possible. But should my 17-year-old self somehow Marty McFly herself to the future, I hope she finds this letter.


Dear 17-year-old self,

Why hello there. This is your 34-year-old you. Wow, double your age imagine that. I have some things to tell you that I hope you take to heart. I’ll try not to put spoilers for the movie that is your life, but what I write is just for the best of you. Take it, heed it, cherish it. Here goes.

Take care of that figure. You’ll keep it for about 8 more years then lose it, then get it back after… uhm… I’ll get back to you on that one. Just be serious about those crunches, you hear?

Don’t be so co-dependent on that boyfriend of yours. You’re not a spoke on a wheel, as your friends wrote to you in a letter when they were so concerned you were becoming a doormat. Yes, a letter. Not e-mail. Handwritten in blue ink (B’s writing) and black ink (M’s writing) on a crumpled piece of Cattleya paper. But hey, quit it with the co-dependence. It’s not like you’ll last forever anyway. Oh wait, spoilers.

That lull time you have between Filipino class and Math 11? Use those 4 hours wisely. Go participate in an org or go running around the covered courts. Playing cards in the Quad is relaxing, I know, but just be proactive, you know? Mastering the art of Pusoy Dos won’t really get you anywhere.

Rent textbooks instead of buying them. Your marketing textbooks cost an arm and a leg and you’ll never get to use them again anyway. Oops, spoilers again. Anyway, you can borrow some at the DSWS or from those a batch ahead of you.

Please stop wearing that yellow ribbed shirt with the green jeans. And the brown loafers.

You’ll grow into your nose. Trust me.

Never ever let anyone tell you you’re not good enough or make you feel you’re not good enough.

Try out for that theatre troop. You may not get in but at least you could have tried.

Join the fencing league. You aced your class and have talent. Not joining the league will be one of your college regrets.

Quit the co-dependence. Oh wait, I said that already.

That college group of friends you have? Document all the good times you have together. All the bad times too. They are your friends for life. Someday when you’re all at least ten pounds heavier and can’t recall the names of some batch mates, you’ll need visual and written proof that you were all once young and carefree, with a tad of foolishness mixed in. That circle of friends of yours is one of the biggest treasures you’ll have for the rest of your life.

That blue and white shirt ripped by climbing over a fence at night? Keep it as a token of your crazy, fun-filled youth.

Dance in the rain with your pixie friend. Wet shoes dry out, but the memories of wanting to frolic happily in the rain remain emblazoned in your mind forever.

Enjoy English class even if your teacher does not inspire you. You love English. You love poetry. Don’t let irritation with authority get in the way of what you love.

Try out for Heights.

Party more, you little nerd. You know we embrace the geek in us, but sometimes you have to just let loose and chill, okay? Now park that Economics textbook (which you bought, but should have rented) and give your friends a call.


Know what? I change my mind. Go make the same mistakes. Go bury your nose in heavy textbooks. Stay dry while the others dance in the rain. Fine, stay with the co-dependence. Because you know what? All the choices you make, all the roads you take, they lead to a life that’s filled with adventure, disappointment sometimes, but overall, a life of peace.

I know I said no spoilers, but I’ll break that rule. Every road you take leads to a loving husband and a beautiful baby. I’ll leave you to guessing who that man is and what gender your child is, but do know this: all the roads you take lead to a simple, happy life – the kind you yearn for, the kind you’ve always dream about. So keep on being the romantic that you are for yes, dreams do come true in ways you never would have thought possible.

But one more thing. Please, please stop wearing baggy jeans.

Your 34-year-old self

Original photo: “Love Never Fails” by Amy, c/o Flickr. Some Rights Reserved

7 Comments on Letter to my 17-year-old self

  1. Kay
    August 27, 2011 at 5:41 pm (13 years ago)

    It would be such a wonder if the future us could talk to the us that we were before no? It would be sweet and poignant but at the same time, we would not be who we are now.

  2. Daphne
    August 27, 2011 at 9:44 pm (13 years ago)

    Wow I’m amazed you can still clearly remember events in your life 17 years ago! I can hardly recall what I wore last weekend. I love the last part of your letter so accurate. :)

  3. my honest answer
    August 28, 2011 at 10:39 pm (13 years ago)

    So funny!

    I often think, ‘I wish I partied more at college’, but, you know what? I didn’t really enjoy it. I did what I wanted to do at the time, and why should I regret that?

    I agree about some of the fashion choices though! Doc Martens and white baggy jeans? What was I thinking!

  4. aloi
    August 28, 2011 at 10:56 pm (13 years ago)

    i love this post, toni! all in hindsight .. but then we wouldn’t be who we are if it weren’t for the choices we made, nerdiness and all :) have a wonderful week!

  5. Lissa
    August 30, 2011 at 7:31 am (13 years ago)

    What a touching letter, Toni. Sometimes I wish that we can go back in time to “lecture” our younger selves but it may also interfere with what we have now.

  6. anj
    September 1, 2011 at 9:31 am (13 years ago)

    Isa ako sa mga BI mo. And I’m proud of it. :)
    It would have been awesome if we were in ENTA together though. But hey, your life 17 years after turned out quite well. :)

  7. Ays
    September 1, 2011 at 11:47 pm (13 years ago)

    I remember Heights! I used to love the poems and short stories there :)


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