If books were food: A Blog Carnival


If books were food

Do you love to eat? Do you love to read? Do you love to eat and read? If you say yes, yes, and HELL YEAH!, then join this blog carnival!

What’s this carnival about?
It’s all about answering this question: If books were food, what would they taste like?

Write about the books you loved as a child. Write about your all-time favorite reads. Write about books that made you cry. Write about books you never finished reading. Write about books you’re curious about. Write about banned books.

But let’s not stop at just books. Connect them with food. If your favorite childhood book were food, what would it taste like? If your favorite books of all time were food, what would they be?

For example, “The Washingtonienne” to me was like a round of tequila shots followed by bottles of white wine. It was about a Washington staffer who blogged her sexcapades while working with the Senate, which led to her eventual firing and striking a book deal. It’s an interestingly crazy read but one that I won’t leaf through again. The book felt like the equivalent of a bad hangover.

“The Secret of the Old Clock” on the other hand makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. This first book in the Nancy Drew series was THE book that got me hooked on reading. If it were food, it’d be a box of Whitman’s chocolates and dried mangoes. I’ll tell you why in my blog carnival entry.

How do you participate?
Write about it in your blog and link back to this post. Trackbacks help a lot so I don’t miss out on your entries for the round-up. Or leave a comment here to be sure.

Feel free to use the “If books were food…” banner by saving it to your own photo host, and let it accompany your blog carnival post.

You can also participate by creating a blog carnival button. If you’d like to contribute, kindly let me know where I can see it.

When are the entries due?
Deadline for submission of entries is on January 25, 11.59 pm. That’s two weeks from now.

Why books and food? They’re not connected.
They are, you may just not know it yet! I’m excited! I’m excited! This is a fun exercise, trust me. :) If you have questions, please share them with me. I do hope to read your entries to this carnival soon!

0 comment on If books were food: A Blog Carnival

  1. ganns
    January 11, 2008 at 12:05 pm (16 years ago)

    First! Hahahaha! (I’ve always wanted to say that; I don’t know why people place such a premium on it, but whatever).

    Hi Toni! I’ve posted my entry: The Bible is a buffet.

    Awesome!!! Thank you Ganns. I have taken a peek at it and weeeee I love it. Thank you for sharing my enthusiasm and being first!

  2. Em Dy
    January 11, 2008 at 3:20 pm (16 years ago)

    I’m in. Will start working on my entry now.


  3. Em Dy
    January 12, 2008 at 12:00 am (16 years ago)

    Toni, I just posted my entry, JK Rowling’s the Best Chef!

    And you know what, I just answered your poll this morning and right away, you gave me what I wished for – a blog carnival. Thanks.

    It’s great Em!!! I’ve made a note of it for the round-up. Thank you!

  4. MarysMom
    January 12, 2008 at 4:36 am (16 years ago)

    A lot of times, if I am eating by myself (wheter at home or any place else), I would be reading, as well. Can’t promise, but I will do my best to post an entry. Will let you know!
    Thanks for hosting!

    Hi V, thanks for considering to join the carnival. I do hope you get to share an entry. Would love to read your food-book connection!

  5. Lynn
    January 12, 2008 at 1:42 pm (16 years ago)

    I like this one, I love food and I love books. Will give you a buzz once I my entry is up.

    Great great great!!! 😀 😀 😀

  6. JMom
    January 12, 2008 at 10:56 pm (16 years ago)

    omg, I feel like I’m facing another mile-long buffet! :) I wouldn’t know where to start, but I’ll try to come up with something.

    Another great idea, Toni!

    Thank you JMom! I do hope you join in! :)

  7. chinita_jill
    January 14, 2008 at 7:44 pm (16 years ago)

    my gosh, you’re right–they ARE connected! when i was reading the title, i thought–ngi, how would i know how books…taste like? hahaha. pero by the end of the post, my mind was zooming around. and i realize i know exactly what my 2 favorite books at the moment taste like! will try and blog about this tonight. i’m excited, too!! 😀 thanks for such an interesting subject–caffeine for the brain! see, see…blog carnival is caramel macchiato with extra espresso shot for me!

    Yey! It is interesting to see the link between food and books. Connecting the unconnected always yields fascinating results. Can’t wait to read what you’ll be sharing!

  8. Gracey
    January 15, 2008 at 8:47 pm (16 years ago)

    Ah, this is brilliant. I’m gonna try to blog about it this week.
    Got here through Chinita Jill. 😀

    Yey! Thanks Gracey! 😉

  9. Junnie
    January 19, 2008 at 12:15 am (16 years ago)

    I have my flavors of the month, they are sweet, nutty, and of course – we can’t have enough of them – my books are ice cream to me!

    Here’s my post – and i invited others to complete the sentence or write about their books in their own blogs…

    Junnie, you are a blessing. :) Thank you!


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