And they slept happily ever after


I’ve recently enforced a bedtime schedule for the baby. Before last week, I’d usually just let him play till he gets tired. It’s tough when you’re at work the whole day. I don’t get to play with him much during daytime so when night time hits, we catch up on storytelling (well, goo-goo’ing from him) and a little playtime.

However, I’ve read somewhere (or everywhere) that establishing a routine is important for babies. So whether I’m home early or not, once 9 pm hits, it’s bedtime for Timmy! How did we establish baby’s bedtime? It was easier than I thought!

Sleeping TimmyLights out at 9. The only light in the bedroom would be the computer or TV screen, the night light, or both.

Hush hush time. Thank goodness for DVD subtitles! H can catch up on his movies without the TV’s volume waking the baby up.

Bedtime stories. It takes only about two stories before Timmy gets sleepy. Sometimes I’d read him two stories while the light’s still on, then when I see he’s getting sleepy, I turn the bedroom lights out. A little bit of nursing and off he is to dreamland.

The funny thing is while Timmy’s fast asleep shortly after 9 pm, I find that H is fast asleep as well! I guess the bedtime routine is good for my two boys!

8 Comments on And they slept happily ever after

  1. Jayme
    March 16, 2010 at 1:53 pm (14 years ago)

    That’s great training for Timmy, Toni. :)

    Others would even advice to keep the bedroom free of TV or computers to establish the bedroom as really just a place for sleeping. But that’s not a choice for us because both hubby and my eldest girl love to watch movies.

    I really didn’t train both of my girls when they were babies to sleep at a certain time. Since like you, I was working and I had irregular hours, I would squeeze every available hour they were awake for bonding time. That became a bit of a challenge for me later on because they began staying awake really late at night, sometimes I would even fall asleep ahead of them.

    So we struck an agreement with my daughter that TV and lights must be off by 10pm, 10:30 p.m. at the latest. Thankfully, she understood so we have a better sleeping schedule now. :)
    .-= Jayme´s last blog ..Dialing divine help =-.

    Thanks for the tips Jayme!!

  2. Eper
    March 16, 2010 at 4:30 pm (14 years ago)

    That’s really good for Timmy, Toni :) Babies crave schedules. It’s good to get them to stick to a schedule as early as now.

    For us, lights out is at 6pm would you believe? Quino sleeps from 6pm-6am!

    Wow, that’s a long sleep! 😀

  3. Kay
    March 18, 2010 at 12:16 am (14 years ago)

    Great job with that … its really all about routine …
    .-= Kay´s last blog ..I’d still say yes =-.

    Yes, and sticking with it!

  4. ingrid
    March 18, 2010 at 7:48 pm (14 years ago)

    oh i miss my son’s routine.. we started him out really young about 1month old. sponge bath by 530pm, read books, dim the lights and he’s asleep by 630pm. then by 6-9 months he’s sleep time went a little late around 8. by the time he turned 18 months it was 10pm! and the afternoon naps went to the garbage when he turned 18months, it was tiring for me to keep up with his energy. now that he’s 2 the afternoon naps comes and goes but by 9pm he’s asleep.

    one thing i’m sure about baby’s routines is that you have to be consistent. you’ll have to schedule activities around nap/sleep time or else you’ll have to re-train them all over again.
    .-= ingrid´s last blog ..The Best Roast Duck So Far =-.

    That’s right! Consistency is key!

  5. J.
    March 18, 2010 at 11:47 pm (14 years ago)

    Yay to you and Timmy! I heard that establishing a sleep routine is healthy for both mother and baby. You get rest and the baby is more active and creative when they ARE awake. It must be such a treat, too, to get the chance to re-read all your favorite bedtime stories with Timmy. :)
    .-= J.´s last blog ..When Someone Changes Your Life =-.

    I love reading to Timmy. He’s so attentive always! 😀

  6. sheng
    March 20, 2010 at 6:14 am (14 years ago)

    Good title, hehe. Hi toni!
    .-= sheng´s last blog .. =-.

    Thanks! Hi Sheng!

  7. kat
    March 25, 2010 at 1:06 pm (14 years ago)

    Hi Toni,

    Having a routine is good for babies and young children. It gives them a sense of structure and stability knowing what to expect next. It also starts them off a good habit, sleeping early & having enough rest. Both my kids (one 10 months old baby & 2 1/2 preschooler) sleep with us, in our bed! So its inevitable that my hubby and I also doze off along with the kids.

    Our routine consists of, a bath (sponge or full bath, depending on their “smell”), brushing teeth, drinking milk for the 2 yr old and breastfeeding the baby, maybe watching some educational shows,a little bit of playing or learning activities, some reading, then lights out to encourage them to wind down and prepare to sleep. The baby easy to get to sleep by breastfeeding him. The 2 yr old naman hugs me to sleep. Sometimes, if I am still awake (which is rare), I’d read some ebooks or do some planning or organizing, some me-time!

    Thanks for sharing your experiences with me! I know I’ll learn from them :)


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