Jeepney Message Inspiration


This jeepney message was right in front of us as my colleague and I were driving back to the office late one night after a long meeting:

Was OT-ing one night and was feeling down. Then this jeepney message lifted my spirits :-)
What an apt message to lift our spirits!

It was one of those OT nights. Our spirits were kinda low, but then this jeepney message came into view!

Jeepney Message from Above

How do you lift your spirits when you’re drowning with work? I usually hop over to Pinterest for a quick breather, or look at pictures of my son on my cellphone. I didn’t expect a refreshing message to come from a jeepney. It’s pretty awesome. What made it more awesome was how timely it was! It was one of those nights when work was beginning to get too much, then lo and behold, this sign popped up right in front of us!

The sign’s right — hard work will get you to your dreams. A literal translation of the above jeepney message is “Because of tiredness and staying up late, dreams came true.”

You can choose to take it negatively, or you can spin it around. Your hard work will pay off. It will. Most importantly, I like that this message helps you focus on why you’re tired and staying up late in the first place.

An inspiring jeepney message indeed. Thank you Manong Driver! That gave our tired spirits quite the boost!

What interesting jeepney signs or jeepney messages have you encountered? Any funny ones? Any inspiring ones? Share your jeepney message story!

2 Comments on Jeepney Message Inspiration

  1. cheekeegirl
    September 19, 2013 at 2:55 pm (11 years ago)

    lucky are those who patiently wait. true indeed!

    • Toni
      September 23, 2013 at 12:31 pm (11 years ago)

      True true!


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