Healthy Options: Join the Love Food Don’t Waste Advocacy


Healthy Options is building awareness on how food waste impacts our lives. Have a look at the following video and infographic below to learn more about the campaign:

Healthy Options: Love Food Don’t Waste

Healthy Options’ Initiative

I hate to admit it but I am guilty of this. Thanks to Healthy Options for reminding me about this. Food waste is not just about saving money or being mindful about those in need after all. The big word is sustainability.

According to some information I got from Healthy Options, the food type wasted most is fruits and vegetables, followed by drinks, bakery products, meals, dairy and meat. Hmmm. What food have you discarded mindlessly lately?

Healthy Options Infographic
Healthy Options: Love Food Don’t Waste Infographic

To find out how you can help reduce food waste, make a positive contribution to the environment, and help save the world for our kids, visit or like them on Facebook:

Here are my tips on reducing food waste:

  1. Stick to your shopping list.
    First step though is to make sure you only list items you need. Then when shopping for groceries, be faithful to what you’ve written down! Impulse buys are hard to resist, especially if the offers seem to good to refuse. Stand strong and stay true to what you’ve written down.
  2. Find ways to use wilted vegetables or soft fruit.
    They may not look as bright and leafy, but they can still be edible. Stir in the wilted vegetables into soup or saute them. Make a smoothie out of the fruits.
  3. Revive leftovers.
    Don’t throw your leftovers into the garbage bin! Think of how you can use them for tomorrow’s dishes. Have leftover adobo? Flake the leftover meat and stir in the sauce when frying rice the next morning — you’ve got yourself adobo rice. Have leftover fish? See how you can add them to a pasta base. Stir in some olive oil and herbs, you’ve got yourself a revived fish dish.
  4. Cook and serve in small amounts.
    If you underestimate the servings, adjust the next time.
  5. Freeze food.
    You can freeze all sorts of food to reduce waste. Bread, cooked foods, fruits, etc. Take out a couple of slices of bread as needed and toast. For fruits, thaw them before eating or throw into a blender for a delicious cold drink.

How do you reduce food waste at home? Come share tips and let’s learn from each other! Feel free to pass on the video and the infographic too.

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