Archive of ‘Reflections’ category

How do you unwind?

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Come sit down a bit and tell me — how do you unwind? It’s been a really crazy week. I didn’t feel the 3-day weekend. This week, I left for work before the sun came out and would leave work when the stars were out. Basically, I had absolutely no dose of Vitamin D from […] Read more…

I Am From Sugar Flowers (Where Are You From?)

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Sugar flowers, bouganvillas, Post-it notes… what’s that got to do with a legacy poem? Quite a lot. Many years ago, I came upon this wonderful create-your-own-legacy-poem. The poem’s structure was given, and you’d fill in the blanks with your own answer. The poem’s universal title is “Where I’m From.” You can find it at Fragments […] Read more…

Be your best self today

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Today, be your best self. Best is not making sure your back is always straight, or that your hair is parted neatly. Best is not a shirt that’s wrinkle-free, or covering your mouth when you laugh in the middle of the crowd. Celebrate what makes you happy. It’s when your happiest that you’re at your […] Read more…

How to grow old

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What’s life like when you’re 90 years old? What will the world be like roughly 30 years from now, when I turn 90? Growing old freaks me out a little bit. Having to depend on others to walk you to the bathroom, having someone else cut up your food to eat, experiencing a weakening of […] Read more…

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