Archive of ‘The Ref Door Project’ category

The Ref Door Project: Update #1

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Thanks to these 5 lovely ladies for kicking off The Ref Door Project! Can you spot the banana on Anna Banana’s ref door? Talk about fusion! Iska has Korean stuff on her Chinese ref door! Check out Daphne’s ref door to get an idea of how well-traveled she is. Meeya’s ref door can serve as […] Read more…

Knockin’ on your ref’s door!

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Here’s what we have on our ref: magnets of H’s favorite movies and some local TV shows, souvenir magnets from trips, a grocery list pad, a picker-upper thank-you note from H’s officemate, my magnetic poetry magnet (no poems though because there’s no more space!), a medicine prescription, and some cute magnets given by friends.We used […] Read more…

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