“Pahinging Knorr!”


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My husband calls it “Toyo”. I call it “Knorr”. Potato, potaaaahto. Whatever we call it, no meal is complete without a bottle of Knorr Liquid Seasoning on our dining table. Our preferences in dishes are pretty much the same, except that sometimes I like a dish to taste a bit “neutral” so I can still use different sauces — fish sauce, soy sauce, catsup, etc. That’s where Knorr comes in!

I enjoy Knorr on my rice. Mmmm. I shower it generously with Knorr! I also like putting Knorr on hard-boiled eggs. Just peel the hard-boiled egg, put a few drops on the yolk and ooh yummmmmy! There’s a certain kick to how Knorr tastes that salt can’t capture. And ooooh, I’ve tried mixing catsup and Knorr together. That’s my usual chicken hotdog dip. Yum! I’ve tried Maggi but the taste was a bit too flat for me. Iba pa rin ang Knorr eh!

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When we were kids, my sisters and I loved bursting the little bubble that takes shape on the Knorr bottle’s nozzle after it is used. We’d fight over it saying “It’s my turn!” “No, it’s MY turn to burst it!” Mama would stop our fights by pouring more Knorr on our ulam and we’d gleefully await the bubbles to be burst again.

Mmmmm. I associate a lot of great dishes and childhood memories with Knorr. Is it part of your pantry too? I’m sure it it. 😉 Just remember, use in moderation! Just like any other seasoning, it may have a lot of MSG in it. So drink lots of water when you’re using Knorr! (Thanks to Dr. Emer for the health tips!)

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