Bitten by the survey bug


Wifely tip before the survey thing: When God closes a door, he opens a window. Keep believing in that line. Never lose hope. Will expound on that more when I can spill the beans on good news. In the meantime, survey says…

1. Name three good things about yourself.

1- I care about other people’s happiness.

2- I’m very sincere.

3- I know when to speak and when not to.

2. Name three bad things about yourself.

1- I’m insecure.

2- I procrastinate.

3- I get irritated easily.

3. Name three things you can do, or have done, that most people can’t or haven’t.

1- I have written a poem on the back of a teabag’s packet.

2- I have never given up on love despite numerous heartbreaks.

3- I can write for a whole day.

4. Name three emotions you feel most often.

1- Frustration

2- Deep love

3- Happiness

5. Name three people that have helped you to become a better person.

1- My husband

2- My Mom

3- My current boss

6. Name three people (or groups, things, etc.) that you feel are worthy of praise and honor.

1- The Planning Department in my ad agency

2- My Mom

3- Walt Disney!

7. Name three works of art (books, songs, movies, etc.) that have changed your life.

1- Veronika Decides to Die

2- Dead Poets Society

3- Starry Night (Van Gogh)

8. Name three things you would buy if you won the lottery.

1- Our own home

2- A totally new wardrobe

3- Stocks

9. Name three places you would like to go on vacation.

1- Florida: Disneyworld/Universal Studios

2- Europe: Go on a tour!!!

3- Palawan

10. Name three jobs or careers you would like to have (assuming money, education, family, etc. were not an obstacle)

1- Writer

2- Teacher

3- Photographer

11. Name three famous people, past or present, that interest you.

1- Oprah Winfrey

2- Mary Magdalene

3- Judy Blume

12. Name three things you would say to someone seeking your wisdom.

1- Listen to your heart.

2- Go to a quiet place and pray.

3- Don’t go to bed angry.

13. Name three headlines you never want to read in the newspaper.

1- FPJ wins presidential elections.

2- SARS breaks out again.

3- The end of the world is near.

14. Name three causes to which you might devote your life.

1- Taking care of abandoned babies

2- Women empowerment

3- Teaching children how to read

15. Name three things you believe with all your heart.

1- God exists.

2- “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.”

3- There is always hope.

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