April 2006 archive

Virtual Paper Dolls

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Another doll you ask? Yes! Design Her Gals is fun, fun, fun. Create an account (it’s free!) so you can save the different gals you’ll dress up. After that, set aside a couple of hours playing with your virtual paper dolls. There are a lot of hairstyles, a lot of outfits and what they call […] Read more…

How much is that puppy on the taxi?

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How much is that puppy on the taxi? (Arf arf!) The one with the Joy TP? How much is that puppy on the taxi? I do hope that puppy’s for me. (Arf arf!) I see a lot of brands advertising on taxis but I thought this was one was really cute. Here’s a closer view. […] Read more…

The Accidental Mug Collection

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“What you gonna do with all that mugs, all that mugs inside that trunk? I’ma get, get, get, get, you drunk, Get you love drunk off my mugs. My mugs (8x), My lovely little mugs, Check it out.” Sorry Black Eyed Peas! I couldn’t resist. Now that this morning’s sugar high has worn off, let […] Read more…

The Ref Door Project: Update #1

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Thanks to these 5 lovely ladies for kicking off The Ref Door Project! Can you spot the banana on Anna Banana’s ref door? Talk about fusion! Iska has Korean stuff on her Chinese ref door! Check out Daphne’s ref door to get an idea of how well-traveled she is. Meeya’s ref door can serve as […] Read more…

One Word Survey

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Taking a break from work. Write one word that you associate with the given item. Write down the first word that comes to mind okay? I’m tagging all those reading this right now! Read more…

Knockin’ on your ref’s door!

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Here’s what we have on our ref: magnets of H’s favorite movies and some local TV shows, souvenir magnets from trips, a grocery list pad, a picker-upper thank-you note from H’s officemate, my magnetic poetry magnet (no poems though because there’s no more space!), a medicine prescription, and some cute magnets given by friends.We used […] Read more…

Blueberry Cheesecake Dreamin’

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Ah, the classic blueberry cheesecake. What could be better than biting into its creamy cheesy goodness and letting the gooey sweet blueberries burst in your mouth? Sublime, sublime. Sadly, that wasn’t my experience when I ate this particular cheesecake. The crust was terribly dry and fell apart the moment I tried slicing a piece off […] Read more…

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